As the holiday weekend is approaching, we encourage you to use these beaches: 

  • Inlet beach 
  • Front beach between 3rd-7th Avenues, 
  • Front beach between 19th-26th Avenues

We are discouraging visitors from using the beaches between 7th-19th Avenues, as there are large piles of stored sand. However, if you do choose to go to those beaches, please try to avoid traversing the large piles, as they could be unstable. Space will be limited in between the water line and the stored sand. 

The Lifeguards will be protecting the beaches on Saturday, May 28th to Monday, May 30th from 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. each day. Lifeguards will be stationed at the following locations:

1st and Surf, 2nd and Surf, 2nd and Ocean, 4th (Surfing Beach), 6th, 8th, 10th, 12th, 14th, 15th, 16th, 18th, 19th, 22nd, 23rd, 24th, and 25th Avenues

The North Wildwood Beach Patrol strongly advises all bathers to swim at
lifeguard protected beaches only during the hours of operation. Beach Surf Chairs are available at 2nd and JFK, 6th, 15th, 22nd.
Lifeguards will return to duty on Saturday, June 4th and Sunday, June 5th.
Beginning Saturday, June 11, the lifeguards will be on duty daily (10 am – 5:30 pm) weather permitting.
For further information, email ( or call Beach Patrol Headquarters at (609) 522-7500 or (609) 435-4348.